Many people think that night hiking is dangerous. Probably that’s why we often get questions from folks asking for advice on staying safe while night hike. Sure, it can be quite a challenge, especially if you do it alone or you don’t have enough experience or you get caught unprepared. But, hopefully, after you acquire some basic skills and gain enough knowledge about the trail, you will be prepared for safe hiking at night.
Hiking requires a set of skills and can be very demanding even during the day when there’s enough natural light. Night hiking has a different feeling than hiking during the day. Actually, it’s often a totally different experience that brings unique challenges; hence hiking in the dark isn’t for everyone, especially for novice hikers. Why hike at night? Is it safe and how do you get prepared for walking in the woods at night? Don’t worry! We’ll answer these and many other questions and will also give you practical tips for safe night hikes in the backcountry.
Table of Contents
Tips and tricks
Before going to the pros and cons, take a look at some basic rules for safe night hiking. They’re valid for both novice and more experienced backpackers:
Know the terrain/area
Start on a familiar trail. It can get a little tricky if you’re not used to nighttime hiking. So, it’s much better to start your night hike on terrain you know well and where you know how to stay oriented. For example, having hiked the trail previously during the day will help considerably with navigation and will relieve your stress about the unknown. If you decide to hike up a mountain, take into account that there are mountains where snow can stick around until the beginning of the summer (of course there are also mountains where there’s snow year-round) so you may need snowshoes.
Pick easier trail
Especially if you don’t have a lot of experience on the trail and/or you’ve never hiked at night, this isn’t the time to pick the hardest trail. Look for something relatively easy and short (around 10-15 kilometers) with not too much elevation gain. As a general rule, avoid rugged areas with rocky trails, scrambling or hiking in a canyon unless you know the place very well and are comfortable walking there at night. The whole idea of night hike isn’t to make sure that you won’t stumble or tumble downhill. Easy hiking trails will also give you a better chance of seeing wildlife as you won’t have to watch every step you take or have issues with branches to the face. You don’t want to run across dangerous animals such as a bear.
Do your homework
It is important is to go in with a realistic mindset and to check trail conditions in advance. Do your research when planning your hike and don’t forget that hiking safety at night should be your number one priority. Some places just aren’t suitable for night time hiking because of rough terrain, weather conditions, wildlife or anything else. For example, hiking in the dark can lead to mistaking a game trail for designated trail, which can have serious consequences for you. Hiking at night can be very dangerous if you underestimate your surroundings so don’t do it. You wouldn’t like to risk a serious injury or even worse.
Get a flashlight and spare batteries
Never hike without lighting as good night vision is very important especially in an area you don’t know well. Even experienced hikers can feel uneasy when hiking in the dark without having a source of light at hand. Additionally, know your lighting well – how many hours it would function without needing new batteries, how bright you need your light to be. Since your eyes will adapt to darkness, you don’t need too bright illumination because this will reset your night vision and you’ll have to start adapting to the darkness again (it usually takes around 30 minutes, however on some occasions, this process can reach up to 45 minutes).
Some form of light is needed regardless of the time of year. How much light you need depends on where you are and when. Developments in LED lighting have been swift and are continuing. Lights are becoming more powerful (especially Cree flashlights) and many lights have the option of a flood or spot beam. The extra power means that smaller, lighter flashlights can now be used for night time hiking, saving weight in the pack. Just don’t forget to bring extra batteries. All but the simplest lights have variable light levels so you can have a very bright light for night hikes or for identifying distant objects and less bright lights for close-up use and longer battery.
Check out the advantages and disadvantages of torches before going to a night hike. In muddy conditions or around cliffs, a more powerful flashlight works best for figuring out precise foot placement. In addition, the control of the focus and brightness of the beam is much easier when using a flashlight. Of course, you might prefer to wear a headlamp instead of a flashlight.
Top flashlight recommendations
- Streamlight 74751 Strion is a fantastic little heavy-duty LED flashlight that fits in a pocket. With 3-level brightness and a strobe – it’s super bright. The battery holds a charge good and charges fast. Moreover, you don’t need to worry about overcharging it. The streamlined design and durability of this flashlight make it a perfect choice for hunting, backpacking, EDC, industrial use, etc.
See the Streamlight 74751 Strion on Amazon
- Olight S1R II is a durable and super bright little flashlight you can carry anywhere with you. It’s good for backpacking, biking, working or as EDC. The Olight is very compact and easily fits in a pocket. Thanks to the clip, it can also be used as a headlamp. The battery light is great plus the battery is rechargeable. Moreover, it has a battery indicator in the switch to tell you when it needs charging. The flashlight offers three brightness levels.
See the Olight S1R II on Amazon
Get a headlamp
Most hikers prefer using headlamps no matter that they are often heavier than flashlights. It is because wearing a headlamp frees up both hands so that you can carry out important and not-so-important tasks such as cooking, reading a book, taking photos, etc. Always bring extra batteries or an extra headlamp to make sure that you’re prepared if something goes wrong with your main source of light on the trail. Keep in mind that you probably won’t need a headlamp with some fancy features (especially if it’s heavy and uncomfortable) as compact designs that fit comfortably on your head will suffice for most cases.
Look for a headlamp with a red-light setting and brightness control. Basically, red light doesn’t affect night vision as bad as white light so you won’t your screw up your night vision or blind someone else.
Top headlamp recommendations
- Black Diamond Storm Headlamp is our preferred headlamp for lightweight applications. This headlamp is of good quality, has plenty of features, and can be used for a variety of activities such as hiking, hunting, climbing or working at night. It’s lightweight and functional, has a heavy-duty strap, and provides bright light when necessary. The headlamp is so comfortable on the head that you could use it daily. The only downside is that it has a ton of features so there’s a bit of a learning curve.
See the Black Diamond Storm Headlamp on Amazon
- PETZL Actik Core Headlamp is a dependable and easy to use source of light with great design and long battery life. Rugged but lightweight, this powerful headlamp offers comfort and fit. It’s easy to remove the battery and it charges quickly. There’s also an option to add a battery in case the core battery dies. The headlamp has 3-stage white light, red-light mode, and broad beam that can illuminate the right amount of space making it perfect for all your activities such as nighttime trail running, hiking, and camping.
See the PETZL Actik Core Headlamp on Amazon
Bring a friend
Solo night hikes can be very relaxing, though solo hiking isn’t really recommended for inexperienced backpackers. Thus, it’s best if you hit the trail with a friend for your first a few night hikes. This way, you’ll get a double benefit of the hike – a shared experience will make the night backpacking less scary and in case of emergency, you and your friend will be able to help each other. It’s a good idea to use backpack, garment or shoes with reflective strips as this will make you more visible at low light in case you become split from your friend(s).
Let someone know where you are going and your itinerary
This is a basic rule for all kinds of hiking and backpacking. The logic behind it is very simple: in case of emergency search and rescue will have an idea of where to start looking and probably where they could locate you.
Get your trekking poles
You may need extra stability because at night time even the most experienced hikers can feel off-balance. Trekking poles can be extremely useful when negotiating uneven terrain because they add stability and help you keep your balance. Moreover, they will give you a boost uphill. There are also some other benefits of using hiking sticks: they relieve stress off your knees and joints; facilitate river and stream crossings, make walking easier in general, etc.
Bring extra layers
To reap the benefits of walking at night, it’s necessary to be prepared for contingencies. Dress appropriately for the weather and bring extra layers just in case. It’s cooler at night so it won’t be superfluous to have an extra layer or two. In addition, a sudden change in the weather might ruin your night hike. There’s no point in taking unnecessary risks. It’s very handy having a rain jacket in your backpack so that you don’t have to worry if you get caught in the rain.
Designed to provide a dry and comfortable outdoor experience, the Helly Hansen Seven J Jacket is a great all-round rain jacket that offers full water and wind protection on and off the trail. It’s stylish and looks great but more importantly – it’s well-made, easy to pack, and can be used as both a rain jacket and a windbreaker during hiking excursions, fishing trips, and other outdoor activities. It functions best in warmer weather but the cut fits well even when wearing additional layers underneath for more warmth in winter. |
See the Men’s Seven J Jacket on Amazon See the Women’s Seven J Jacket on Amazon
Don’t use headphones
Walking in the woods at night increases the chance of an unpleasant surprise as some really dangerous wild animals are more active at night. Generally, having an idea of the area and sticking with trails that you know well helps to avoid close encounters. However, playing loud music can distract you. What’s more, you may not be able to hear any predators coming because of the headphones. Night vision combined with an inability to hear well can make you easy prey for predators such as mountain lions that rely on a surprise attack.
Hike on clear nights when the moon is bright
Take advantage of the moonlight and you won’t go wrong. Night hiking is amazing with bright full-moon. Moreover, backpacking under a full moon on a good trail is safer (it’ll illuminate the trail and the woods) and more enjoyable. In general, you should be able to see where you’re going unless it’s really cloudy or you’re walking through a thick forest.
Night hiking pros
Relief from summertime heat
It can be really hot in some areas, especially in the summer. As we recommended in our post about summer hiking, night hiking can be a good solution to avoid the heat of the day as well as to get more kilometers done and to reduce sun/heat exposure and hydration needs (locals and long-distance hikers in hot desert do this all the time). If you hike from early down to late evening, you’ll get a very short night sleep (in such as case, you can take a nap when it’s warmest – during the heat of the day – between noon/early afternoon and 5 pm-6 pm).
Depending on the environment and the season, temperatures can fall really fast so be prepared with some spare clothes. Keep spare clothes near the top of your pack (especially a fleece, jacket or raincoat) where you can get to them without unpacking other gear because it will be difficult and time-consuming looking for the clothes you need in the dark.
Quiet trails
Hiking at night offers you quiet trails without the buzz of conversation and laughter. Finally a chance to be alone with your thoughts and reconnect with yourself. It’s a refreshing perspective that you might enjoy during your night hikes. It’s something that rarely happens in your daily life full of mundane activities.
Connect with nature
The spectacle of nature is probably the primary reason a lot of hikers are out there. Hiking in the dark can be inspiring and ennobling. It is interesting and beautiful in its own way – you can enjoy the stars in the night sky, breathe fresh air, and immerse in serenity. It’s your time to reconnect with nature. As a bonus, you’ll have a chance to observe wildlife since a lot of animals are active at night time. And as none of them expect to meet a human out there at that hour, there’s a huge chance that they’ll be more curious than scared or aggressive.
Night hiking cons
Go slow
You’ll have to slow down your pace – it’s a natural reaction to slow down when walking at night without seeing your surroundings well. You need to avoid falls and other possible dangers (and due to depth perception being bad at night) so you often need to be extra careful with your route. Moreover, if you’re doing anything technical then it’s important not to do it in a rush.
You might not be able to sleep in the heat, especially when backpacking during the summer. Trying to sleep in the intense heat and bright daylight is not something funny and to some, it sounds like a terrible idea. Then you’ll want to sleep at night but apparently, you can’t sleep and hike at the same time. Moreover, readjusting your sleep schedule if you’re not used to being up at four in the morning can be very challenging (night owls excluded as they would love to stay up all night hiking). As a result, you won’t be getting enough rest, which can ruin your hiking trip. Keep in mind that good night’s rest is important for a longer trip success so nighttime adventures are not recommended unless you’re experienced in doing that.
Missing the view
The obvious thing you’re missing is the view – landscape, vegetation, wildlife (when backpacking at night, you see mainly bugs, bats, owls, snakes, and lizards). Even with a full moon, there’s a little more visibility than a circle of light in a world of black. This leaves you feeling like you haven’t seen the place, which won’t be a huge problem if your aim is just covering a certain distance. Otherwise, for a new place you’ve never seen before, you’ll come away feeling like you’ve still never seen it at all.
Dangers of hiking in the dark
Getting lost
Why people do get lost in the backcountry? There can be many different reasons but usually, people get lost because of one or more of the following:
- Overconfidence in their skills and abilities
- Underestimating nature and trail conditions
- Poor preparation
- Lack of knowledge or insufficient experience
Unless well-marked, trails can be hard to follow at night. The limited vision can make the scenery look very different than when hiking during the day so stay on the trail and don’t go off-trail for the sole reason of not getting disoriented and lost. To survive comfortably, carry a map, a compass, a reliable source of light, be observant and consider landmarks such as rivers and canyons. Use your navigation correctly and all you’ve learned about the area in the planning stage of your hiking trip.
Falling is probably the number one cause of hiker deaths so beware of slipping and falling down during your night hikes, especially when negotiating terrain difficult to navigate. Be very careful with your surroundings because it is easy to misjudge a rock or ledge and to tumble downhill. Also, avoid scrambling sections at night if you’re not familiar with the area.
Extreme weather
Always check the weather forecast before hitting the trail. Bad weather can ruin your night hike especially if you intend to hike in an altitude. Extreme weather can lead to a life-threatening situation so consider and the possible weather hazards. Learn about precautions for weather, conditions, and terrain in your particular area. There are always details and dangers that are specific to the environment you will be hiking in. Also, avoid night time hiking in winter.
It will be dark and cooler and you may not feel any necessity to drink water. It’ll be a mistake if you don’t get enough fluids because you’ll get dehydrated. Try to maintain appropriate hydration and electrolyte balance, and you will have more energy to cope with the challenges of night hiking. Dehydration is also dangerous for another reason, namely, it will make you more susceptible to hypothermia and you want to avoid that.
Feet problems
You want to prevent any potentially harmful situation for your feet – from preventing blisters to sprained ankles. Be careful for hidden roots, branches, and rocks as they are much less visible at night. If you stumble, you can potentially injure yourself. You need to wear comfortable hiking footwear because walking at night can be very treacherous. Hence your choice of proper hiking shoes or boots as well as socks is of prime importance.
Rivers and streams
Fording rivers and streams at night can be very dangerous and isn’t recommended unless you know the terrain really well and/or you don’t have any other choice. In the end, only experience can tell you whether it’s possible to cross. If you decide to cross, be very careful, especially when crossing swift-flowing rivers or streams. Many people underestimate the force of the flowing water and pay the price for their early mistakes.
Movement over snow and ice
Needless to say, travel over snow and ice presents a lot of problems even in the daytime. If you are properly equipped and you have experience in doing this, you can probably safely travel at night. In any other case, it’s better to minimize hiking in the dark.
Wild animals
Research potential wildlife. Depending on the environment, you would like to avoid some wild animals. Try to make some noise as you walk to avoid catching unaware any predators on your way. Many wild animals are most active early in the morning and late in the evening. It means that hiking around dawn and dusk seriously increases the chances to see wildlife as well as to encounter bears. Similarly to running on trails, hiking at night can be very risky. Bears are often more active after dark, and you’re less likely to see them until it’s too late. If you are in the bear country and choose to hit the trail at night, be sure to make lots of noise. Also, don’t forget to carry a bear spray, just in case.
Snakes are among the most feared animals. Snakebites rarely occur above the ankle, so wearing boots and thick socks minimizes the chances of being bitten. Snakes will do everything possible to stay out of your way; the vibrations from your feet are usually enough to send them slithering off before you even see them. Do not walk at night barefoot or in sandals or light shoes without checking the ground first. While walking in the cool of the night can be a way to avoid the heat, it’s not a good way to avoid snakes (so carry with you some source of light). In general, it isn’t a good idea to travel after dark in snake country.
In many areas the late summer and autumn see the backcountry fill up with hunters carrying rifles. Try to make sure they don’t shoot you. Hunting season is not the time to wear camouflage in the wilderness or to walk stealthily at night.
Night hiking provides a different and worthwhile experience. It can be very rewarding as it brings you closer to nature and allows you to reap some of the benefits nature has to offer you. Even if it doesn’t sound like something that you’d like to do regularly, it can be a fun experiment for a weekend.
However, there are some dangers related to hiking at night as well. Having a map, a compass, and a reliable source of light will help you stay on the trail and not to get lost. Drink enough fluids, avoid encounters with dangerous wildlife and fording rivers, and check the weather forecast to avoid extreme weather.
Night hiking is not always a walk in the park but it can be a great experience if properly prepared for it.
Do you often hike at night? We’d love to hear from you. Drop your thoughts and questions in the comments section below so we can answer them all.
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I was looking for this particular information for a long time.
Thank you and best of luck.
Thanks, really appreciate that! We do our best to share valuable information about all things regarding hiking and backpacking so that everyone gets the best possible experience.
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I came across this article long after it was published, there was a couple of times I was out after dark on a very known trail to me (Circle X Ranch) and used my cell phone LED to get back, though that was not as desirable. I think more than anything, making noise and talking back and forth with your hiking buddy is the best, and helps keep you out of your own head. As crazy as it sounds, I often talked to the animals…lol. You know they are out there, you can here the rustling. Remember who is the human…you got this.
I’ve since bought a solar powered charger that I carry in case something happens, I have off-grid capability to try to get my phone to signal. At the worst, I’ve always thought I’d just park somewhere wide and safe open until morning. Like four pointing, panic is your enemy, if you freeze, calm down before you proceed-enjoying the stars, and once in a while shutting off and letting your eyes adjust lets you live like we did far before electricity in the mountains. As the author published, a full moon hike is just spectacular.
My sister and I just did some night hikes on the AT in GA. It was nice and cool and we covered a lot of ground quickly. However, I was nervous the whole time, so I just made up all kinds of hiking march songs and chants and we safely navigated 3 nights and many hours in the dark. We ended our day anywhere from 10pm -12pm, which helped us hit 15 mile days each day. The only things we encountered were snakes and they were already quickly moving away from us. Reading articles like this boost my confidence that we aren’t the only ones crazy enough to hike at night. Thank you!
Thanks for your comment, Megan! We’re glad that you find this article helpful. Hiking at night can be scary but it’s mostly fun.