About Camotrek

Valentin in the mountains

Welcome to Camotrek

Who we are?

At Camotrek, we love backpacking and are passionate outdoorsmen. We know how important it is to use reliable outdoor gear that lives up to our expectations. We also know that often skills are at least as important as the equipment. Camotrek was created to inspire you and give you the right tools to explore the outdoors. This site is a free resource to help you plan out many unforgettable adventures.

We want to make sure that when on our website, everyone gets valuable information and fair treatment. Our focus is on high-quality writing and images. To get the maximum benefit, our site is designed to be clean and inspirational. We focus on two main areas: outdoor gear and skills – in-depth articles, guides, and reviews – and tactical gear guides. A big portion of our revenue comes from affiliate links, but we always retain complete editorial independence without making compromises with our convictions.

We hope you enjoy Camotrek and will do our best to make sure that this site lives up to your expectations. Rest assured that we appreciate your readership and strive to ensure the best possible experience for everyone.



Valentin in the mountainsValentin Shekerov is the founder of Camotrek and the man who runs ANVATREK EOOD. Valentin loves being outdoors and is passionate about real adventures (he’s the guy on the pic above who looks a bit tired after some long, uphill hiking). He edits and contributes to much of the content here and oversees day-to-day operations. His personal aim is to grow the Camotrek community and make this site the ultimate learning resource for anyone who wants to learn new things and develop their skills.



The goal of Camotrek is to help you unlock the adventurer in you no matter who you are or where you come from. If you have a desire for knowledge and are looking to improve your backpacking skills, you’ll feel right at home here.

Backpacking is for everyone. It isn’t necessary to live near the most spectacular mountain or the most beautiful place on earth to go hiking and enjoy it. Nature is beautiful and ennobling but it can also be cruel if you don’t respect natural powers. That’s why you need to be prepared. Both physically and mentally. Don’t be afraid. Every journey begins with a single step…


Connect with Us

We hope that you find our site helpful and inspirational. If you’d like to ask us a backpacking, hiking, camping, or business-related related question, please submit it using our contact form. If you’d like to give us feedback with suggestions on how we can improve any of our resources, feel free to contact us. Your suggestions will be welcomed.

The best way to stay connected is to sign up for our newsletter. You can enter your email address below to get updates about new content that is added to the site.

Camotrek.com is owned and operated by ANVATREK EOOD.